Monday, 14 March 2016

Not Dead

Not yet, at least.

Sorry. Been away for some time. We moved out of the flat we were in, took as much as we could with us. Sold the rest on Ebay. It's not safe there any more. He was making too many incursions - getting really aggressive. Didn't like it. This should be safer.

Should be safer.

I have a theory to test regarding that.

Oh, and I should mention I've lost a finger to one of the proxies. Fucker with a big knife. I should have hid. But Thia was ok. All I care about really.

Got to go.

I'll see if I can post later, but it's awkward typing with one less finger. It's my right pinkie.

I miss it. Still hurts a lot. But Thia's got me sorted for now.

