Sunday, 20 December 2015


Hello! I've been gone for some time. I'm sorry.

But I have big news. Good news.

Kind of.

Zero((sage)) is dead, too. Or presumed as such. All the second generation sages are gone. Their plan to defeat/weaken the Slenderman- or //construct// as I think Robert((sage)) liked referring to it as- was, as far as I can tell, a complete and utter failure.

But! BUT!

They were totally barking up the right tree.

For example, Robert((sage)) discovered this... substance... thing... From what I can tell, it is begotten of the Slenderman itself, and, when used correctly, appears to cause it some minor harm, or pain, judging from the reported reaction.

The reported reaction was instant disapparation, and screaming.

I quote.

"I caused that fucker pain." - Robert Sagel

Fucking brilliant, Robert! My friend, I applaud you! You might save our fucking lives!

But, that's not all.

I think Rob here found a way into Slenderman's home! Something to do with a shed, it's kind of vague, but judging from the context of the travel involved, it seems like the Slenderman has to open semi-permanent doorways to and from its home dimension around and nearby its targets and victims.

The door opens both ways.

That's... oddly comforting, actually. I don't imagine I could survive long in there, but it is a nice thought that, if I wanted to, I could also intrude on this thing's home too.

It also means I can, potentially, probe it - maybe to get some of this 'substance' referred to by Robert.

And all of this is backed up by...


Their deaths.

When they started going up the right routes and down the right paths, the //construct// upped its ante considerably. It stopped playing a game, and started playing at something more akin to war.

And they were all rather dead in short order.

So really, there is good news. They were right, and I can build on it.

But it also comes with a warning.

If I begin building on it, how long will I survive?

More importantly - more importantly by far - how long will she survive? If I can keep Thia out of this, I will. She's... already scarred, I fear.

I'll keep her safe.

Farewell for now - and may we all live on 'til morning!

~ Kev Elliot

PS: I managed to find the time and safety to see The Force Awakens. Fucking brilliant film. See it immediately.

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