Sunday, 7 February 2016

I'm back

And so is Thia.

After exactly a month.

Now, I understand that it may not have been a month to you, but we spent thirty cycles of 24 hours - down to the very second we came back - in that other dimension Robert Sagel had been building on.

That's where he took her. That's where I went.

Tell me, did the police ever find the bodies of those agents I was forced to seek out?

It doesn't matter. They could never trace it back to me even if they did.

I feel... different.

And I notice there was a post made in my absence, about having spent much time in a strange place. Yes. I remember making that post, but not from a computer.

Very strange indeed. Those were my thoughts while I was in the other world.

I found Thia unconscious on a small island in the middle of the swamp - it is a swamp, after all.  The whole dimension as far as I could see.

She's fine.

I don't understand how I got there, though. One moment I'm walking into one of those old bomb shelters built by rich bastards in the countryside who were all too paranoid of being a target for german bombs in WWII, and then... I'm just somewhere else.

I don't know enough about physics to explain that.

But I did get some of that Substance! And I shall run more tests. Yes. I will take it to a lab, in fact. I must see what it is really made of, and quickly. Something about it wants me to believe it is biological in nature, and yet I'm not so sure.

Mm. But first I'll get something to eat with Thia. I'm not sure if I'm the one who's shaken, or if she's the one who's been shaken by all this, but we need hot food.

I know just the place.

I will be in contact again briefly. I am fucking starving.

May we all live on 'til morning, my friends.

~ Kev Elliot

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