Friday, 8 April 2016

My science was wrong

On the last post, my science was actually pretty badly wrong. I don't know why I did that or why it reacted the way it did.

But I did fix it, and yes, there are proteins in it. And yes, there are sugars in it.

And yes.

There is DNA in it. A lot of it.

Now I just have to work out what all of that means... Whilst carefully avoiding touching it.

Fucking Slender Man fluids.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

A little chemistry

You know that substance stuff? I did a little test on it. Just a little test. The Hinsberg reaction, to be precise. It's a test for amine groups - the stuff that makes an amino acid an amino acid, basically.

Well, it has them.

Which... leads me to believe that it's out of a living thing. It's definitely organic to say the least. How do I know this? Well, for one, amine groups tend to be bonded onto carbons, which makes them organic compounds, so it is definitely organic, and what are amino acids used for?


This stuff's got proteins in it.

Or the basic building blocks of proteins at least.

Fuck, I hope it's not DNA of some kind. That's a disturbing thought - though I should probably test for that too. I'd need to hydrolise it though, because all the ribose sugars are joined up in a chain to form that helix spiral you see in sciency cartoons whenever DNA comes up. That, and a phosphate group, but I don't have the stuff to look for that.


Actually, would that even work? Not sure. Been a while since I did my chemistry, sadly. I'm more medical now.

Speaking of which, my chopped finger is not infected!


I need a beer. Or a cider. That would be lovely. I'll get some for Thia too.

Ah hell. Somebody at the door.

One second

Monday, 14 March 2016

Not Dead

Not yet, at least.

Sorry. Been away for some time. We moved out of the flat we were in, took as much as we could with us. Sold the rest on Ebay. It's not safe there any more. He was making too many incursions - getting really aggressive. Didn't like it. This should be safer.

Should be safer.

I have a theory to test regarding that.

Oh, and I should mention I've lost a finger to one of the proxies. Fucker with a big knife. I should have hid. But Thia was ok. All I care about really.

Got to go.

I'll see if I can post later, but it's awkward typing with one less finger. It's my right pinkie.

I miss it. Still hurts a lot. But Thia's got me sorted for now.



Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Yeah, this is really, really odd. I'm not actually worried since we're exhibiting none of the normal symptoms of malnutrition - that a university student isn't normally expected to exhibit - or sickness that aren't already shown to be Slender Sickness... But we're both still hungry.

If anything, it's gotten worse.

I'm really not sure what to make of this.

However, things appear to be looking up a little, because we've seen neither Slender Man nor his bastard proxies and agents for some time now, and although I'm nervous for tempting fate, I think the sickness is beginning to alleviate, too.

I know he's not leaving us alone.

In fact he's probably more like, preparing for something bigger and badder.

But... It's good to have some breathing room.

Now we just have to make him regret giving it to us.

Now, there was something else... Ah! Yes of course. You may recall that some time ago, I theorised that there was another presence following me in particular.

Well I've received something from it again.

It's a note. Small, plain white printer paper. Torn all around the edges, strangely, but not to fit the text on it, as the text is still much, much smaller than the paper itself.

Which is curious. 

It smells of lemons too. I'm... Not really sure what that means.

Anyway, the note says as follows.



Yeah. It was all scrawled in big letters, with what looks like a pretty soft pencil. Not quite charcoal though.

Now, this presence seems at least roughly benign, from what I've seen of it so far. It got me a jar of inaccurate but still interesting substance, and...

Well, this feels like a warning.

I have noticed that the visitations we've been getting are late at night. It could be that our Presence has predicted the next one, and is warning us to flee before then.

Why Liverpool in particular though?

I don't know. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and have a crumpet.

Bloody starving.

May we all live on 'til morning.

- Kev Elliot

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Still hungry

Right. This is worrying. Despite having eaten three burgers in one sitting that night in Five Guys, and a stupendously heroic amount of chips, neither me nor Thia felt any less hungry afterwards, and it's only gotten worse in the days that followed.

It's starting to get in the way of my work, even, which is even worse because this is the work that revolves around theories of how Slender Man gets from the swamp to our world so easily, and how we could potentially close the gate.

I've seen a few more proxies and agents around, too. I returned to the bunker I went into to find Thia once, and only just missed being seen by a group of six of them, mindless looking and in pain, just standing there.

I figured they must've been waiting for something, and didn't want to know what, so I left pretty hurriedly.

There is kinda some good news though, actually. I was in France to meet with some of the French junior doctors (a weird kind of exchange program for a single day that our uni wanted us to do) and just before getting on the ferry back, I saw something both highly illegal and highly awesome.

A butterfly knife.

I've managed to slice and dice my left hand up pretty badly trying to do all the tricks with it, and it was hell to sneak it back through customs since the bloody things are illegal here, but it is seriously sharp, becoming easier to use by the minute, and fucking awesome.

I'm sorry. I'm tired as hell.

And still hungry.

I'm gonna get something to eat and go to sleep.

May we all live on 'til morning,

~ Kev Elliot

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Who keeps +1ing these posts?

Seriously, if you know anything about Slender Man, feel welcome to join the cause. It's getting fucking lonely in here.

I'm back

And so is Thia.

After exactly a month.

Now, I understand that it may not have been a month to you, but we spent thirty cycles of 24 hours - down to the very second we came back - in that other dimension Robert Sagel had been building on.

That's where he took her. That's where I went.

Tell me, did the police ever find the bodies of those agents I was forced to seek out?

It doesn't matter. They could never trace it back to me even if they did.

I feel... different.

And I notice there was a post made in my absence, about having spent much time in a strange place. Yes. I remember making that post, but not from a computer.

Very strange indeed. Those were my thoughts while I was in the other world.

I found Thia unconscious on a small island in the middle of the swamp - it is a swamp, after all.  The whole dimension as far as I could see.

She's fine.

I don't understand how I got there, though. One moment I'm walking into one of those old bomb shelters built by rich bastards in the countryside who were all too paranoid of being a target for german bombs in WWII, and then... I'm just somewhere else.

I don't know enough about physics to explain that.

But I did get some of that Substance! And I shall run more tests. Yes. I will take it to a lab, in fact. I must see what it is really made of, and quickly. Something about it wants me to believe it is biological in nature, and yet I'm not so sure.

Mm. But first I'll get something to eat with Thia. I'm not sure if I'm the one who's shaken, or if she's the one who's been shaken by all this, but we need hot food.

I know just the place.

I will be in contact again briefly. I am fucking starving.

May we all live on 'til morning, my friends.

~ Kev Elliot

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

He lasted quite a while

Yes. In fact, I had to move him somewhere safer.

But rest assured. We were not interrupted. I remain safe.

I'm just hoping my Thia is too.

He gave me some information, actually, regarding a potential location, before spitting on me and telling me I wouldn't make it past the front door.

At that point, I stabbed him twice in the liver, once in the stomach, and thrice in the heart. He died very quickly, and stunningly quietly.

I will not say where, but I am here now.

I feel close to her.

I will update you soon.

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Alright then.

Slenderfucker doesn't seem to be in the mood to give Thia back to me right now. Nor has he been for some time.

That's bad. That's really bad.

For him.

See, I have a theory.

Robert((Sage)) encountered two types of minions, sent against him by the Slender Man. They were Proxies, and Agents.

Now, Proxies are used unwillingly - those three masked men who tried to stab me, but found themselves unable to, for example - and as such can occasionally fight him off, like they did. Though I suspect that the Slender Man was going particularly easy on them in terms of mental domination, to make the game easy for me in its first stages.

The other kind are Agents.

They gave themselves willingly to the Slender Man in return for power, as far as I can tell - or out of foolish devotion to him. Either way, I also theorise that the Slender Man's connection to them is somewhat more two-way, as indicated by their own apparently enhanced tactical intellects, and the fact that they seem to be able to dominate groups of proxies in a similar way, if on a lesser level, to Slender Man himself.

You might be wondering how I know all this suddenly.

The answer is very simple.

I went out and found them.

I went to the police station, asked to speak briefly with the men who had assaulted me, and asked them where their friends were. Though they've been released from the Slender Man's grip for some time now, they do still remember vaguely where they were forced to congregate, and 'bear witness'.

Then I got my staff, and went out with every intention of killing a great many people.

See, fortunately for me, their place of meeting is in a somewhat out of the way place.

And now?

Well. Now you find out why this is all bad for him.

On the ground in front of me lie three dead proxies. They were killed by physical trauma stemming from an unknown blunt object, and were unable to put up a meaningful struggle, due to the surprised state they were evidently killed in.

Tied to a tree behind them though, is an Agent.

And this is where the title of this post becomes apparent, because I am going to torture him for information on Thia's whereabouts, and kill him if he doesn't talk - but probably kill him either way. I can't have witnesses to this.

To be fair, though, I'm fairly sure he'll talk.

I'm a medical student, after all. I'll just educate him about each body part I remove as and when I remove it, using the improvised surgical tools I've had the good fortune to come across.

A hacksaw.

A power drill.

A Stanley knife.

And a sledgehammer.

This man is going to fucking weep.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

I can't find her

He took her. I fucking know it.

She opened the door just as he started running the taps, and I heard her scream and rushed out and then I went flying.

I woke up no more than five minutes ago, and I'm in a park somewhere. I'm not even sure this is London.

And he's taken my Thia from me.

I'll cut his fucking head off.

Friday, 15 January 2016


In the cupboard. On my notebook laptop.

I can see him, through the crack in the door. I need to close that. He's not looking. Maybe I can close it now.


No he turned around.

Oh dear he's coming here


He turned on the fucking sink taps. Are you fucking kidding me? This is bullshi


She's due home any minute

oh no

That was interesting

It... sort of fizzed, and popped, and then it was gone.

And there was the smell of ammonia.

I'm not really sure that this is entirely in line with Robert's findings - the poor man - so this substance could be something else entirely.

Now, uh, I've also been reading a bit more of Robert's things, speaking of him, and I've come across Core Theory in its fullest. And I'm not sure I agree entirely with it, I must be honest. It seems quite idealistic, and somewhat foolish.

Life is not a storybook, after all.

And yet it does have that attractive quality, doesn't it? No. I don't think I agree with it, but I do like it. Maybe I'll use the titles, if I ever find anyone else to survive with.

Just... less formally.

Oh. And of course, I found out about Redlight, and Greenlight. Combined with the revelation that there is something else following me, this is very worrying. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not sweating yet.

Oh. No, I am, actually. Nevermind. That's disgusting.




I have it!

The substance! I think. I don't really know where it came from, to be completely honest. I haven't seen the //construct// in some time now, so this could honestly be anything.

But the jar is came in is labeled 'substance'.

I found it on my doorstep.

I'm... uh... I'm gonna burn some. Be right back.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I was right

Whatever this is, it is most certainly not the //construct// I have, until now, been led to fear by the legacies of Robert((Sage)) and Zero((Sage)). In fact, it is something else entirely, and this worries me greatly.

Because I know nothing about it.

How do I know it isn't merely the Slender Man's digital presence? Because although I've been experiencing the sickness I've come to refer to as 'Slender Sickness' that is commonly brought on by proximity to the Slender Man (or, as Robert((Sage)) has referred multiple times to 'Agents' and 'Proxies' by now on his own blog, the Slender Man's minions) I have seen no other evidence of stalking or 'visitations' - at present.

And because Thia is not experiencing the sickness, as she normally does when I do, which leads me to believe that the source is not...

I don't know how to put it.

The source is not... physical? Well no, because it is physical, or it wouldn't affect the physical plane.

I'll work on finding a good way to phrase it, but it means that it's not due to the proximity of the source to us, it's... much more personalised. I'll have to try and figure out what this means, too.

This is all so fucking strange.

I need to look into the sickness generally, too. Perhaps I can start to counteract its symptoms - if not find a way to protect us from it, generally - once I know more about what's actually causing it, beyond 'being near that tall scary wanker'.

And this new thing.

Fuck it all. I need sleep desperately.

Good night, and may we all live on 'til morning.

~ Kev Elliot