Friday 8 April 2016

My science was wrong

On the last post, my science was actually pretty badly wrong. I don't know why I did that or why it reacted the way it did.

But I did fix it, and yes, there are proteins in it. And yes, there are sugars in it.

And yes.

There is DNA in it. A lot of it.

Now I just have to work out what all of that means... Whilst carefully avoiding touching it.

Fucking Slender Man fluids.

Sunday 3 April 2016

A little chemistry

You know that substance stuff? I did a little test on it. Just a little test. The Hinsberg reaction, to be precise. It's a test for amine groups - the stuff that makes an amino acid an amino acid, basically.

Well, it has them.

Which... leads me to believe that it's out of a living thing. It's definitely organic to say the least. How do I know this? Well, for one, amine groups tend to be bonded onto carbons, which makes them organic compounds, so it is definitely organic, and what are amino acids used for?


This stuff's got proteins in it.

Or the basic building blocks of proteins at least.

Fuck, I hope it's not DNA of some kind. That's a disturbing thought - though I should probably test for that too. I'd need to hydrolise it though, because all the ribose sugars are joined up in a chain to form that helix spiral you see in sciency cartoons whenever DNA comes up. That, and a phosphate group, but I don't have the stuff to look for that.


Actually, would that even work? Not sure. Been a while since I did my chemistry, sadly. I'm more medical now.

Speaking of which, my chopped finger is not infected!


I need a beer. Or a cider. That would be lovely. I'll get some for Thia too.

Ah hell. Somebody at the door.

One second