Tuesday 3 November 2015

Update - She's home. I'm happy.

For the first time in my life, my girlfriend is leaning on me in bed while I type this. My laptop is a little too warm, and burning my legs a little, but I daren't move to the desk, for fear of disturbing her.

I think she's asleep, you see. Occasionally, she fakes this, to scare me when I'm not on my guard (and occasionally, I deliberately act frightened to amuse her - she sees through me every time) but this time, I think it's for real.

It's what, 00:06 hours, as I type this very sentence? Ooh. Just ticked over to 00:07. It's entirely understandable that she'd be asleep by now. I've always been a little bit more of a night owl.

You can't see, but I'm smiling. 

She is adorable. And I love her. And one day- one day- I am going to ask her to marry me.

If this whole paranoid-creepy-creepy-scary-disease thing doesn't shatter us both, ending the relationship permanently. That's a grim thought. I'd honestly rather die than be without her - but I also don't think that's terribly likely. She's...

She's in love with me, after all.

Still smiling.

I think she's smiling too. Is she reading this? I shall have to think of something funny to write down here- she can never resist laughing when she finds something funny.


There was always this joke about those multinational compatriots who end up in pubs together. It goes something like "An Englishman walks into a bar. Normally, there's a Welshman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman with him, but they were all still at the rugby world cup."

No? Nothing from her, I'm afraid. Maybe it's just too old to be funny, now. I shall try something else.

You know, one time, I walked into our bedroom, and tripped on a bra of hers.

It was a booby trap.


She laughed.

Well, she laughed and hit me, but not very hard. I'm not bleeding, so I must be ok.

She's, uh... she's asking me to put this thing away and pay some attention to her, now. Whether or not it's what you're inevitably thinking it is, I'm going to oblige her before

Static. Static and disturbance and disruption on the laptop's screen. In the middle of that word. It came and stayed for ten minutes before I could type again. I've checked the post and it doesn't seem to have been corrupted - it was just the display going wild - and my wifi is still functional.

And my head.

This has never happened before. I feel intruded upon, like, for a while there, we weren't alone in our home.

This is not good. I must get in touch with Zackery.

I'm going to get under the covers with my girlfriend, hold her very tight indeed, and not come out until morning. 

Good night. Be safe. May we live on 'til morning.

~ Kev Elliot

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